
Coaching – my approach

My understanding of Coaching is a temporary support for women and men on their way through and towards change, towards an answer, towards a solution. Following this path means taking over personal responsibility. Being on that path means growth in itself.
You are the expert of your live. I offer to you expert knowledge in order to make you able to connect to your own power.

Coaching regarding private topics, Coaching for professional devolopment:
Very often both areas overlap. Both areas belong to us. It is up to you to determin the focus of our work and the goal. It is my task to accompany you on your way.

Coaching – Professional Development

You need leadership in your company?

Does your job satisfy you?

Do you feel pressure in the context with your job, and don’t you know why?

Those are examples of questions we might look at together.
We highly identify ourselves through our profession. Here we create the basis for our live, here we establish social contacts, acknowledgement and ideally self-fulfillment.
That is why it’s worth to pay attention to topics such as:
Status-Quo, self-percetion and perception by others, goals & visions, efficiency & effectivity, leadership, responsibility.

I offer personal and team coachings fitting your company strategy.

You see a need for Burn-Out Prevention? You want to cope with stress better?

Stress is not bad in itself. Stress makes us learn, and those who have learned to deal with challenging situations, get stronger.
So, coping with stress can be a great training and opportunity.
But: „Too much“ stress can affect our health and sanity, can lead to disease and burn-out.
We can initiate preventive measures to stop burn-out symptoms before they escalate to the full extend of a disease.

Are you looking for support regarding your applications for employment?

What I can offer is:

  • Feedback regarding your application material
  • Preparation for your Interview
  • Preparation for Assmessment-Centers
  • Analysis of previous Interviews or Assessment-Centers

Coaching – Private Topics

Crises and other opportunities

In the Chinese language, the word „CRISIS“ is composed of two symbols – one means „DANGER“
the other one stands for „OPPORTUNITY“.

John F. Kennedy

Who did ever like a crisis? But oftentimes especially the painful and hardcore times of our lives make us look for alternatives and new paths. This is our one big chance. And now, that the crisis is here, why not take this chance? I support you to do so.

Also, together we can have a look at the longing for serenity, we can have a look at blind spots, at times of change, of stagnation and at wishes that may be abbiguous for the time being.